Monday, March 22, 2010

Matthew Stephen Soleto

Still Holding Me

The world around us, it does crumble, and the wind pushes waves on the seas,
and nothing that is here is constant except for change.
There is a Beacon with a light that's steady, and it points to safety from the rocky shores,
where sailing souls can find their only rescue - a peace that is found amidst the storm.

He's still holding you; He's still holding me, and He's the One still calming raging seas.
He never left us here; He still calms our fears; He wipes away our tears; His name is Jesus.

Only Christ can fix the problems we are facing. Only He knows what we really need.
He alone can give us passage to the harbor so that with Him we can ever be.
He is constant, yes He's always shining, pointing to our Father, God above;
bringing peace to us and reconciliation between Him and us and others that He loves.

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