Monday, December 12, 2011

John Piper

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.  Therefore, to make pretensions about honoring him more, while not calling people to the most radical, soul-freeing satisfaction in God alone, is self-contradictory.  It won't happen.  God is  glorified in his people by the way we experience him, not merely by the way we think about him.  Indeed the devil thinks more true thoughts about God in one day than a saint does in a lifetime, and God is not honored by it.  The problem with the devil is not his theology, but his desires. Our chief end is to glorify God, the great Object.  We do so most fully when we treasure him, desire him, delight in him so supremely that we let goods and kindred go and display his love to the poor and the lost."

~John Piper, When I Don't Desire God, p.30-31

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