Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stephen Davey

You can die a martyr’s death, in one heroic act of faith. Many heroes of the faith have done just that. God, most likely, will not call most of us to that kind of death. But He is calling us to that kind of life! Frankly, there are many Christians who might even be willing to win the martyr’s crown; who are willing and eager to die for Jesus Christ. How many, though, are just as eager to live for Christ? Living for Christ can be mundane; ordinary; routine. I love the little poem that reads: 

To live above with the saints we love, 
That will be grace and glory, 
But to live below with the saints we know, 
Well, that’s another story. 

Ladies and gentlemen, God is not calling you to die a martyr’s death and go to heaven; He is calling you to live a martyr’s life on earth.

Stephen Davey, Sermon on Romans 12:1

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